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The TOP 4 Traits Of A Successful Franchise System

Published on October 03, 2017

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There are certain traits that set successful franchises apart from their competitors. A successful franchise system is a healthy franchise system. There are 4 key traits that when used together help build a healthy franchise system. Adopting these traits leads to low franchisee turnover, an attractive investment opportunity for new investors, sustainable outlet growth and strong brand recognition and consumer satisfaction.

Franchise Grade Helps Build These 4 Traits of Successful Franchise Systems

  1. Using Data To Differentiate Value
  2. Successful franchise systems use data to understand their competitors, provide value to their candidates and better position the franchise investment. Candidates are always seeking more information. Our Benchmark and Compare products gives sales teams real-time access to competitive research and helps sales teams excel.

  3. Scalable Franchise Development
  4. Grow smart, scale quicker. Developing a successful franchise system requires the tools and data that can identify the best expansion opportunities. Maps identifies outlet growth or contraction between key competitors and sectors. Maps helps identify the best markets for expanding your franchise system.

  5. Training and Sales Coaching
  6. Quality not quantity. Franchise performance data can be a valuable tool for educating both employees and prospective franchisees. It provides a vehicle for marketing and delivering pertinent information to franchise candidates. With access to data, your sales team can help better educate candidates to make the right investment choice.

  7. Consumer Analysis
  8. Consumer reviews is used to strengthen your franchise sales presentation to candidates. Our Consumer product provides both operational and franchise sales support to better grow your brand. Analyze the consumer review rating differences between franchisees, find key markers to highlight the brand sentiment and use the data to support further franchise sales and development.

Franchise Intelligence is an ALL-IN-ONE solution that helps you sell more franchises, manage development, and study consumer sentiment.

Franchise Intelligence accelerates your franchise network growth.

Get on the platform used by the pros!

About the Author: Jeff Lefler
As the CEO of, Jeff understands that there is no Silver Bullet or sure-fire, simple way to pick a guaranteed franchise system winner. However, by using a little science and a lot of hard work, Jeff and the team at have developed a sophisticated research, analysis and comparison model to help potential investors and existing Franchisees assess a realistic value for any franchise system relative to others. It's called a Franchise Grade. With over fifteen years of small business experience and ten working in franchising as a multi-unit Franchisee, consultant and Franchisee Association President, Jeff has a good understanding of the level of hard work, dedication and commitment that drives a successful franchise system. As part of his ongoing involvement with the industry, Jeff also served as a Member of the Strategic Committee of the International Association of Franchisees and Dealers. Get in touch with Jeff to see how your system measures up at [email protected].

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